I rarely ever get to post the deals I get anymore do to a hectic schedule. Tomorrow, marks 4 months down on this deployment, 5 left! yay!! Football will be over for Corey this weekend but next month starts a full sports schedule again. Both boys will be doing basketball, and corey will start his wrestling season. Between that, work, and their school ... I'm always on the go with barely anytime to update on here.
As most of you know, Little Eric had his appendix taken out on Monday. We went to the hospital sunday due to bad stomach pains, which of course led them to his appendix & an ambulance ride to CHKD in Norfolk. We got home yesterday & he's doing SO well! I will just copy & paste my update from facebook:
we are HOME! First, let me say this status will be a bit long. Prayers REALLY do work. The surgeon told me it was a great possibility his appendix had ruptured. His blood work showed indication of it as well as some fluids on the ct scan. I prayed & asked for prayers, and thankfully it DID not. The surgeons & nurses all said how CLOSE it was to being ruptured and not only that, but it had gangrene as well. This is a very SERIOUS infection. Had his appendix ruptured, big eric would have came home, which just tells you the severity of it. He's a very lucky boy. So, a huge thank you to all the prayers, emails, messages, calls, and so forth. Thank you to Cindy Tucker Ward for taking care of corey for me. A huge thank you to Tiffany Treusch for visiting me while I sat alone in the hospital while he was in surgery. Despite me telling her I was okay, she still traveled to see us. She helped take care of Corey for two days & our pets. I've been blessed with amazing friends. I had not left the hospital from Sunday-Wednesday, and I knew Corey was well taken care of. Also,a huge thanks to my mama Kathy Steele, who I also told I was fine but she insisted on coming to be with me during this time. She drove the almost 5 hour trip to be with me & little eric, and keep me sane. I'm very lucky to have her as my mama! She had to leave today, but wiill be back this weekend. Hopefully, no more hospital visits for a LOOOOONG time!
Well, I think that pretty much covers everything! Looking forward to traveling home to Delaware next month for Christmas. I will be posting some of the deals I've gotten here lately!